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Whoops. Hello again.

I accidentally forgot to do this blog. I don't know how it happened. 

Summer is good. I needed to be done with some people and some drama for awhile. And homework. I needed to be done with homework, too. 
My job is dull, but really not bad. I'm functioning surprisingly well on my new schedule, which is basically exactly the opposite of my former schedule. I now get up at 4:45 AM and go to bed sometime between 9 and 10:30 PM. The major downside is that my friends mainly do things at night, and I need to go to bed. So I am definitely not seeing people much, it feels like. This could also be because I am fairly lazy at planning things. hmm.
I am going to a bat mitzvah for twins tomorrow morning. Should be sweet. I went to their brother's bar mitzvah a few years back and it was legit. So was the food. 

Oh YEAH I almost forgot to mention the AMAZING concert I went to last week. I haven't uploaded the pictures from my phone yet, though. I'll make a separate blog about it. Promise. But seriously, it was soooooo good. Most fun concert I've been to yet. 

I did my nails funky last night. I like it, but I think I would like it better if the colors were reversed. 
In case you were wondering, the base is China Glaze "Shower Together" and the tips are China Glaze "Re-Fresh Mint"

Okay that's it for now. More on concert later. Hopefully not THAT much later. 

Also, enjoy your long weekend. :)


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